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Various forms of breast nipples

The shape of the nipple varies greatly. There are large and small, and can differ between right and left. Not only the size, the color of each person's nipples can be different. Nipples have begun to form when the baby is still in the womb, which is at 6 weeks of gestation. The nipple is an organ in the middle of the breast and surrounded by dark skin called the areola. Not only to channel breast milk, the nipples also help increase sexual satisfaction, achieve orgasm, to provide clues if there are serious disorders in the breast.

Various Health Facts Regarding the Shape of the Nipple

Knowing variations in the shape of the nipple, as well as what are the normal signs and what is not, can teach us to be more aware of breast health disorders. Here are some facts about the shape of the nipple.
  • The shape of the nipple is not the same

  • Just like breasts that can be large next to one, the size and shape of breast nipples can also be different. One nipple can be larger, more prominent, flatter, or higher or lower. Nipple color also varies, ranging from pink to dark brown. All of these things are normal. What is unusual is if one of the nipples looks more contracted than usual or the areola appears to be pleasing. If so, immediately go to the doctor to get an examination and treatment.
  • Do breast nipples come in dangerous?

  • If you are breastfeeding your baby, don't worry if your nipples come in. This is normal for nursing mothers and will not interfere with breastfeeding. Nipples that come in will protrude again after you finish breastfeeding. But beware if the nipple that was protruding suddenly becomes inward, and accompanied by other symptoms such as discharge mixed with blood from the nipple, there is a lump in the breast around the nipple is interested, changes in skin color around the nipple or skin peeling on the areola around interested nipples, changes in breast shape, and drastic weight loss for no apparent reason. These signs may point to symptoms of breast cancer and need to be examined and treated as early as possible.
  • The shape and color of the nipple can change

  • During pregnancy, the nipples may become larger and the diameter of the areola wider. Not only that, the color of the nipple can also change when we are pregnant or getting older.
  • There is a small lump around the nipple

  • These lumps are called Montgomery glands or areolar glands. The Montgomery gland will release oil that helps lubricate the entire nipple and areola area during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The oil prevents the nipples from becoming dry and chafed, has antibacterial properties, and gives off a scent that can help the baby find the nipples when breastfeeding. If the Montgomery gland feels pain or suddenly enlarges, see a doctor immediately for treatment. Swollen glands can indicate a blockage or infection in the breast.
  • The number of nipples can be more than two

  • Although rare, there are people who have more than two nipples. Its location is not only on the breast, but can be on the arms, thighs, or legs. Besides having a lot of nipples, there are also people who don't have any nipples, so they need to be made with artificial nipples.

When to Feel Worried?

If the nipples issue signs as below, don't hesitate to go to the doctor to get further diagnosis and treatment:
  • The nipple secretes more than one week.
  • The nipple secretes with blood.
  • Nipple skin becomes dry, itchy, peeled off, and does not heal even though it has been given moisturizer.
  • Nipples feel sore, reddish, hot, or thicken like an orange peel.
  • There are changes in the shape of the breasts and nipples.
The color, size, number, and shape of breast nipples can indeed vary. But one thing that must be remembered by women, is to always maintain breast health to avoid various problems. How, do not wear a bra that is too tight, avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, and routinely do breast self-examination.
